Saturday, 3 December 2022

JS8CALL - a new mode to me but been around for awhile

JS8CALL has been around for awhile as I've seen many people talk about it on there Youtube videos but if I'm honest I thought it was another FT8 mode where signal reports are thrown around and you move on to the next person which I don't really enjoy. 

One of many things our hobby is about is to communicate and I find FT8 is more of a two way beacon/reporting system. Except for the report and locator I don't know the persons name or QTH of the station I've just worked?

After a while of using FT8 I feel I've tried it and thats it, sometimes I switch it on but within 10mins I either QSO to CW/WSPR or switch the radio off!

I've had JS8call installed on my PC for sometime but today was the first time I have given it try!

Screen shot of JS8call

Using my IC-705 and 5watts to a par end fed antenna, I had a QSO with YO3FVR who was using a FT-817, 5watts to a random wire. The QSO lasted approx 10mins and while I was in transmit I could carry on typing and it would send the message in the 15sec bursts. 

JS8 also allows for heartbeat where it's like a beacon which can be sent every 10, 15, 30, 60mins and you can get acknowledgments too.

It's a mode I will try more often and feel this brings back the communications side of digital modes. Think modes like this would be better for experimenting on 40MHz band.


  1. Hell Jason, I experimented with JS8Call when it was still called FT8Call. Did many good QSO's with it with QRP powers.The big disadvantage is that you need some device or internet to keep track of your time settings on the computer. It needs time slots just like FT8. So personally I do not use JS8Call much anymore and went to VarAC which doesn't need timeslots and is just as good in communicating freely. 73, Bas

    1. Hi Bas,
      I will admit it wasn't bursting with people on there but did have activity. Will have to look into VarAC as I've never heard of it before!
