Saturday, 13 May 2023

WSPR on 20M & 10M today

As I have been repointing the brickwork on the front garden wall, I decided to leave my WSPR transmitters on.

I now have two decided WSPR transmitter, W5OLF 10M WSPR-AXE-CW and I recently picked up a 2nd hand WSPRlite that I mainly use on 20M.

Just before I checked the online WSPR map my web browser always boots up on the RSGB DX cluster page. After looking at what had been worked by other stations on 10M today I was quite disappointed when I saw my WSPR spots! I know there are quite a few stations montoring so conditions must be poor.

The WSPR-AXE-CW is 500mW and has its own decided EFHW


28Mhz WSPR spots with 500mW


20M had quite a few reports across Europe and two spots across the pond. The WPSRlite puts out 200mW and the antenna is EFHW (PAR 40/20/10M) slightly higher up at both ends.


14Mhz WSPR spots with 200mW


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